Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Adventures Continue~

What a day we had. We were (are you sitting down) in the car ready to go to church by 8:30 AM. Who knew we could do that? Uncle Michael was singing at Middle Cross Church, so we decided to go and listen to him. He did AWESOME. We even got to see Miss Beth (a very dear friend of my Brother's.) Ryan got a special treat--the worship singers surprised him with a Early Birthday serenade. I didn't know he could turn so many shades of red. ha.

After church, it was back to Grandpa George's. My cousin Scott and his girlfriend Stacy were here visiting from Missouri. The boys had fun showing Scott their basketball cards, and talking hoops with him. After they left, GG pulled up. It was good to see her. My Grandma is 87....doesn't look a day over 60, and is so amazing. I hope that I am that fortunate to be as active and spry when I am her age. Later, Karla and Dave, our neighbors came over and had a tornado watch party with us. (For thouse of you who don't know what those's when you sit around and watch for tornados..usually with a cold beverage in your hand....and scout the skies--or just sit around and talk....funny how we never see any twisters...ha) Karla and Dave have been our neighbors for a very long time, so they are second parents to me. Karla and Mom were very dear whenever I get to sit down and talk with her I feel like I'm talking with my Mom again. Which I miss the most.
And this is how the boys spent most of their day....(in between riding their scooters and tossing around the football)

Grandpa George sacrificed his office tv and let the boys hook up their Playstation. Yes, Ryan was allowed to bring it. And they had a blast. Mommy even snuck in some new games. NBA seems to be the hit right now.
The biggest treat was Mommy let them stay up until 10:30...I think they were both in dream land about 10:31. ha.
Stay tuned...tomorrrow we are going Park-hopping.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So glad you are all having a good time!