Friday, March 20, 2009

SAC museum...

SAC Museum
Grandpa George took Wednesday off and took the boys to the SAC museum in Ashland. SAC stands for Strategic Air Command. The boys had a blast. The highlight of the trip was when they found the B-25. This was the plane that my Grandpa Jim was in, in WWII. Dad showed them where Grandpa sat. Both the boys came home with die-cast planes. They can't stop talking about the museum, it was really a special day. for them.
The American Astronaut with the boys.
Posing for yet another snapshot.

Inside the jet. WOW--would you get in a plane if these two were flying it?

Grandpa George and the boys in the B-25 plane. Just like where Great Granpda Jim sat.

Uncle Michael and his monkeys inside a fighter jet.
While the boys were checking out the museum, my Grandma and I had a wonderful Girls Day Out. We had lunch together, and spent the afternoon shopping. The highlight of the day was when I got the Senior Citizen's discount at Kohls because I was shopping with her. HA.

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