Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 3---Monday Madness....

There is NO sleeping in on Spring Break.
Grant opened the curtains for me this morning to show me that the birds were singing and the sun was shining....so it was time to get up. Mind you, this was probably at oh 630ish. UGH.

GG made us her famous macaroni and cheese for lunch. Ryan LOVED it. It was a HUGE hit. My new goal in life is to make mac and cheese like her. No matter what I do, or how I follow her recipe to a "t" it still doesn't taste like hers.

Our afternoon Park-Hopping Adventure started at Antelope Park.
Here is my monkey hanging on the monkey bars.

Ryan loved the slides...there were SO many to choose from.
The park soon became VERY crowded so it was off to the next park. We headed to Keech Park. Which turned out to be a flop. The boys used to play at this park when they were little and it looked HUGE. We pulled up and they said "Mom, c'mon this park is for babies." Sadly they were right...the equipment looked pretty tiny.
SO..back in the car we went and headed to good ol Bethany Park. And they loved it.

Ryan brought the football and he and Grant played catch.

They really do love each other....SEE here's proof.

My little Monkey. He loves climbing and hanging around.
I tried to get more pictures of Ryan..but I was told that it was UNCOOL to take pictures of kids at the park...so there you have that.

Grant shaving in the tub. He said his whiskers were getting long...so we had to take care of that. He was very proud of his close shave. He had to be careful the razor had sharp "blazers" as he called them. Little did he know it WAS A PLASTIC RAZOR. : )

The boys rounded out the evening by watching an old silent movie with Grandpa. The boys were really entertained by this. They were laughing and giggling. They were very tired out from our day of parks...and hoops at Grandpa's neighbors house. They were sound asleep by 900 tonight.

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