Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Outside FUN~

What do you do on St. Patrick's Day when its Sunny and 78 degrees???? You PLAY outside. And you have LOTS of fun. The boys were ready to go outside at 8:00am--Mommy was mean and made them eat breakfast before they went out. (There went my Mother of the Year Award AGAIN !!!)
Dad lives on a circle with a sidewalk--so the boys went 'round and 'round on their scooters aka razors, most of the day. They did come in, and at lunch then it was right back outside.

Grant on his scooter. He even scares me riding this. He is such a dare-devil. Notice the grin.

Ryan loved soaring down Dad's sloped driveway. The coolest part was switching feet when we were coasting down. did about give my Grandma and I a heart attack. BOYS.

My dirty little PIGGY. He played SO hard he had dirt all over his face. Which to a little boy meant he had a VERY FUN day.

The boys loved shooting hoops at Grandpa's neighbors. The hoop was just the right height for a 6 yr old and an 8 yr old. Ryan was TOO fast for me to snap a picture of him. And besides "why do you need a picture of me anyway MOM????" KIDS. : )

All in all the boys had a wonderful St. Paddy's Day enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. I was able to sneak out and have dinner with my best friends, Nicki and Gretchen. It was SO good to catch up and have a relaxing dinner with the girls. I miss them SO much and wish we lived closer. Gretchen brought her son Gavin, who just turned one. WHAT A CUTIE. He is SUCH a good baby.
The boys were ready for bed when I got home....always a good sign that they played hard.

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