Thursday, March 19, 2009

He's 8...

Ryan Michael Lohr~

Ryan Michael. I can't believe that you are 8 today. It seems like just yesterday that Daddy and I found out that we were having a baby. We were so excited. We couldn't wait to find out if you were a boy or a girl....but you wouldn't we had to wait. Dr. Gibbens told us you were going to be born in April, and we couldn't wait. Only you had a different plan and you wanted to come early.
Mommy wasn't feeling she and Daddy stayed with Grandma and Grandpa that night. Daddy tried to wake Mommy up early Monday morning, but he couldn't. I was shaking and having a seizure. Grandpa called 911. Grandma and Daddy told Mommy that I woke up when the firemen and paramedics were around her I didn't go with them. I told them I was fine. After Grandma talked to Dr. Gibbens Daddy drove us to the Hospital. Once we got there you and I were rushed into the operating room, Mommy's Blood Pressure was so high they were scared I might have another seizure. Daddy couldn't even go with us. You were born on Monday March 19, 2001 at 8:59 am. Dr. Gibbens gave Mommy some special medicine so that my body could rest and get better. Three days later I woke up and Grandma Patsy was telling me "Mommy you have a Ryan." Once I opened my eyes I wanted to hold you and see you. Daddy told me you weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz, and were 19 inches tall. You had the most beautiful blue eyes. We had to stay in the hospital for 7 days. Before we left Dr. Gibbens told Mommy and Daddy that we were very lucky to be alive, he said you and I had a Guardian Angel on our shoulders. If Mommy would have waited a few minutes more to get to the hospital, we might not be here today.
Ryan you are a miracle. Daddy and Mommy are so proud of you. You are one of a kind. You are such a kind and compassionate friend. You are a great big brother. You are so caring towards others. You are a Husker Fan and bleed Husker Red. You love to cuddle. You love to kick the covers off of you at night. You love to be read too. You are a natural performer, and will sing and dance for anybody who will watch you. You love the outdoors, You love science. You love pink, and will wear it with pride, it reminds you of Mama Patsy. Mama is looking down from Heaven with a smile on her face Ryan, she loves you SO much. You are a planner, and will make a great cruise director some day. Daddy and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you Ryan. We love you SO much.


1 comment:

Molly said...

I have never heard this story!

What an incredible birth story! What huge miracles!

Hope you all enjoyed celebrating this birthday.