Saturday, May 8, 2010

tulips {from} Heaven

I am going to be honest. I don't like Mothers Day. Please dont get me wrong...I love being a Mom, and I wouldnt trade my 2 little miracles for ANYTHING in the world. BUT-Mother's Day is one of those Holidays that I wish I could could stay in bed and pull the covers over my head and make the day go away. Mothers Day was always a BIG holiday growing up. We spent it celebrating my Mom and my Grandma's. And now its a constant reminder to me that I don't have a Mom to celebrate it with. I am not trying to be ugly, brutally honest, but not ugly, I celebrate my Mom, and everything she has given me in life. But, I'm heartbroken that I don't have a Mom to celebrate this day with.
{NOW} onto the {TULIPS}
When Mom was in the Hospital, I found a bouquet of artificial Tulips. Mom loved tulips. These tulips were a hot pink-coral color. They instantly struck my eye at Michael's. So, I bought them for her. (They only had enough for one bouquet or I would have bought some for me.) I even found a small bouquet that was in a white tin, that she could set on her window sill. When I gave them to her, she said over and over how she had never seen such beautiful tulips. I dont know how many times she thanked me for them. After she passed away, Dad asked me if I wanted her tulips, and I gladly took them. I left the small bouquet, but took the large ones. Now, when I put them out, I too get rave reviews on how pretty they look...and what a rare color.
Last week, when my Dad came down for a visit he randomly asked me if I had ever planted tulips in their front yard. I told him "No" and didnt think anything of it. A few days later my brother calls and say that there are some beautiful tulips in Mom and Dads front yard, and sent me a picture.
I was in shock when I saw them.
Those were Mom's tulips. In that amazing color.
The miracle about all of it is-- no one planted the tulips.
Thanks MOM.
Just in time for Mother's Day~I needed that from you.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Happy {Birthday} Papa Terry!!!

~50 reasons WHY we {LOVE} our PAPA~

~He loves us

~He took us to the Thunder Game

~He takes us to the park

~He plays outside with us

~He builds us skateboard ramps

~He bought us a new basketball

~He plays with us @ the Jenks Park

~He takes us to his work

~He teaches us how to mow

~He takes us on adventures

~He chases us

~He teaches us how to catch

~He babysits us

~He takes us out for donuts

~He always celebrates our birthday

~He plays wii with us

~He lets me beat him on the playstation

~He drives to come see us because he misses us

~He came to my Thunder Football Games

~He came to my Dawgs Football Games

~He came to my Baseball Games

~He takes us out to dinner

~He lets us be silly

~He drove all night to see me when I was born

~He takes us to the mall

~He lets us eat at Red Robin

~He teaches us new games

~He takes us to the movies

~He rides bikes with us

~He helps us with our spelling words

~He loves us when mamaw is mad at us

~He drives early in the morning to come see us at Round-Up

~He is a watch dog at our school

~He bought balls and hula-hoops for our school so we could play with them at recess

~He comes to our school concerts

~He taught us how to swim like fish

~He drove us home safely in a snow storm

~He lets us play tackle with him

~He takes us on motorcycle rides

~He lets us get dirty

~He plays basketball with us

~He cleans up our messes

~He watches tv with us

~He buys us jerseys

~He brings us lunch at school

~He lets us play in his garage

~He gives us toys

~He takes us to the swimming pool

~He takes off work to play with us

~He is a Great Grandpa

We Love YOU PAPA!!!!!!
We wish we could be there to help celebrate your special day with you....


Thursday, March 18, 2010

---Ryan {9} Michael---

Ryan {9} Michael
Oh where has the time gone Ryan?
I look at you and am still amazed at what a blessing you are.
You are a tremendous boy..
I almost said little boy...but you are far from little.
you do know that in Mommy's eyes you will always be my little boy.
You will always be the little boy who would try to put 3 babas in his mouth at one time.
You will always be the little boy who had SUCH a high tolerance for would have ear infections and strep throat and you never would let us know....and now after you had your first broken wrist the Dr's were all still amazed that you never complained of pain. (ugh)
You will always be the boy who would say "mama" when he wanted out of his crib.
You will always be the little boy who would have to touch my face when I rocked you to sleep.
You will always be the little boy who would grin from ear to ear and do "SO BIG" in your high chair.
You will always be the little boy who loved to play tackle football with your "helmip" and Daddy's socks pulled up to your knees...just like the big boys do.
You will always be the little boy who brightens my day with your sincere and sweet face.
You will always be the little boy who loves to put on a show.
You will always be my little boy.
My little miracle.
Ryan we are SO proud of you.
Daddy and I are so honored to call you our son.
You are an amazing big brother and a wonderful friend to others.
That is one of the many qualities I love about you
You are a friend to everyone.
We love you Ryan Michael.
Daddy, Mommy and Grant

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy HEART Day...

Love from the Lohr's
we hope you have a very special valentine's day

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday

This is my Grandpa Jack.

Today is his {90th} Birthday.


Grandpa passed away March 16, 1998. He fought a courageous battle with Colon Cancer. Grandpa was such an amazing man. I miss him like CRAZY. Grandpa has a special piece in my heart-and I know he is my Guardian Angel. Growing up I was his #1 Granddaughter...and he would proudly introduce me as that. (Okay..I was THE ONLY Granddaughter--but HEY....I like the #1 status.) We had a special connection. I have such vivid memories of him. He always had a joke to tell or a smirk on his face. He was onery. He was STUBBORN. He was gentle. He was an AVID Yankee and Husker FAN. He was a WWII Veteran. He was an artist...he loved woodworking and building, and drawing. He was patient. He was kind. He loved his family.

He was Grandpa.

When I met Jason...

I wish that Jason could have met Grandpa. I always wonder what Grandpa would have thought about him. I wanted Grandpa to see me at my Wedding Day. I wish they could have met. I think they would have loved each other.

When I became a Mommy...

I wish that our boys could have met Grandpa. I know they would have been the apple of his eye. I see Grandpa in Ryan when he likes to "tinker and build." I see Grandpa in Grant when he gives me that "stinker grin" and in his love for noodles and macaroni and cheese. I see Grandpa's determination (a.k.a--STUBBORNESS) in both of them. I wonder if Grandpa would have surprises in his shirt pocket for them like he did for Michael and I when we were little. I wonder if he would tell them bedtime stories about Spotty the Dog like he did for us.I wonder if he woudl teah them the "Buddy-Pal" song..and sing it before every meal. I wonder if he would write them letters and draw his pictures and send them in the mail to them. I know on my heart he would do all of that.....and MORE.

Last weekend my brother came down for a visit...and my boys got to "meet" Grandpa.(I got this new little toy that allows me to pull videos off of VHS and convert them to DVD through my I can save them on my hard-drive. ) Michael brought down an ENTIRE box of tapes that we started to convert...and there was Grandpa. My boys got to see Grandpa and hear his voice. It was cute to see them giggle and laugh at his jokes. It was almost like Grandpa was right in the room with us.

I know Grandpa is looking down on us....

On the day Ryan was born, we both almost lost our lives. And I will never forget my Dr. coming in the room and telling me that I had a Guardian Angel on my shoulder--if I had waited 5 minutes longer to get to the Hosital...we both wouldn't be here today. I knew that Grandpa played a substantial role in that miracle. I went into Labor with Ryan the date my Grandpa passed away--3 years later.


I know that Mom had an AMAZING Birthday BASH for him in Heaven.

I love you Grandpa.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

{happy 7th birthday} Granty-J

My baby boy turned 7 this week. That's a WHOLE handful PLUS 2.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. He came into the world GRANT-STYLE~TWO WEEKS EARLY. (if you know Grant you know that we tend to do things ON HIS TIME.) The poor baby didn't even have a name for the first two days of his life...he was known as "Baby Boy Lohr." So..."Baby Boy Lohr" is a tribute to those precious 7 years.

From the moment Daddy took you from the nurse and handed you to me, it was love at first sight. I had waited 10 months for see your face and count your fingers and toes.

You have grown into such a handsome young man.

You are such a strong boy. Always ready to take on the world. You definately got your determination (stubbornness) and drive from your Daddy.

From your "spicy" blond hair, to your blue eyes that snap and dance, you are a ray of son-shine.

A true GQ little man.

Your smile melts my heart.

My true little CORNHUSKER. From the time you could crawl and sneak into Mamaw Patsy's cupboard and gnaw on microwave popcorn packages, you were a lover of corn. It doesn't matter whether you have all of your teeth or not...You ALWAYS find a way to nibble it straight off the COB.

Once a HUSKER always a HUSKER. As a little boy who wore a chip-dip bowl on your head as your "helmie" you graduated to a real HELMET this year, you are a natural on that field. We have loved cheering you on. We are very proud of you #70.

Our little SOCCER STUD.


Your many moods.

You have a way of always starting and ending with a SMILE from ear to ear.


From tinker toys, to trucks, to Jack Sparrow to ER visits...

You never cease to amaze me with your imagination and courage.

I'll love you FOREVER.

I'll like you FOR ALWAYS.

As long as I'm living


Grant Jordan.....Granty-J.....G-dog.....Chubby-Bubby......Chunky-Monkey.....

Thank you for being an amazing son, and brother.

Thank YOU for 7 wonderful YEARS. And to keeping us ALL on our toes.



Mommy, Daddy, and Ryan