Thursday, March 18, 2010

---Ryan {9} Michael---

Ryan {9} Michael
Oh where has the time gone Ryan?
I look at you and am still amazed at what a blessing you are.
You are a tremendous boy..
I almost said little boy...but you are far from little.
you do know that in Mommy's eyes you will always be my little boy.
You will always be the little boy who would try to put 3 babas in his mouth at one time.
You will always be the little boy who had SUCH a high tolerance for would have ear infections and strep throat and you never would let us know....and now after you had your first broken wrist the Dr's were all still amazed that you never complained of pain. (ugh)
You will always be the boy who would say "mama" when he wanted out of his crib.
You will always be the little boy who would have to touch my face when I rocked you to sleep.
You will always be the little boy who would grin from ear to ear and do "SO BIG" in your high chair.
You will always be the little boy who loved to play tackle football with your "helmip" and Daddy's socks pulled up to your knees...just like the big boys do.
You will always be the little boy who brightens my day with your sincere and sweet face.
You will always be the little boy who loves to put on a show.
You will always be my little boy.
My little miracle.
Ryan we are SO proud of you.
Daddy and I are so honored to call you our son.
You are an amazing big brother and a wonderful friend to others.
That is one of the many qualities I love about you
You are a friend to everyone.
We love you Ryan Michael.
Daddy, Mommy and Grant

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