Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday

This is my Grandpa Jack.

Today is his {90th} Birthday.


Grandpa passed away March 16, 1998. He fought a courageous battle with Colon Cancer. Grandpa was such an amazing man. I miss him like CRAZY. Grandpa has a special piece in my heart-and I know he is my Guardian Angel. Growing up I was his #1 Granddaughter...and he would proudly introduce me as that. (Okay..I was THE ONLY Granddaughter--but HEY....I like the #1 status.) We had a special connection. I have such vivid memories of him. He always had a joke to tell or a smirk on his face. He was onery. He was STUBBORN. He was gentle. He was an AVID Yankee and Husker FAN. He was a WWII Veteran. He was an artist...he loved woodworking and building, and drawing. He was patient. He was kind. He loved his family.

He was Grandpa.

When I met Jason...

I wish that Jason could have met Grandpa. I always wonder what Grandpa would have thought about him. I wanted Grandpa to see me at my Wedding Day. I wish they could have met. I think they would have loved each other.

When I became a Mommy...

I wish that our boys could have met Grandpa. I know they would have been the apple of his eye. I see Grandpa in Ryan when he likes to "tinker and build." I see Grandpa in Grant when he gives me that "stinker grin" and in his love for noodles and macaroni and cheese. I see Grandpa's determination (a.k.a--STUBBORNESS) in both of them. I wonder if Grandpa would have surprises in his shirt pocket for them like he did for Michael and I when we were little. I wonder if he would tell them bedtime stories about Spotty the Dog like he did for us.I wonder if he woudl teah them the "Buddy-Pal" song..and sing it before every meal. I wonder if he would write them letters and draw his pictures and send them in the mail to them. I know on my heart he would do all of that.....and MORE.

Last weekend my brother came down for a visit...and my boys got to "meet" Grandpa.(I got this new little toy that allows me to pull videos off of VHS and convert them to DVD through my computer...so I can save them on my hard-drive. ) Michael brought down an ENTIRE box of tapes that we started to convert...and there was Grandpa. My boys got to see Grandpa and hear his voice. It was cute to see them giggle and laugh at his jokes. It was almost like Grandpa was right in the room with us.

I know Grandpa is looking down on us....

On the day Ryan was born, we both almost lost our lives. And I will never forget my Dr. coming in the room and telling me that I had a Guardian Angel on my shoulder--if I had waited 5 minutes longer to get to the Hosital...we both wouldn't be here today. I knew that Grandpa played a substantial role in that miracle. I went into Labor with Ryan the date my Grandpa passed away--3 years later.


I know that Mom had an AMAZING Birthday BASH for him in Heaven.

I love you Grandpa.


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