Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Rope a Turkey.......

Our turkey....has a wonderful tale. And you have to know that the Corner family get-togethers usually involve laughing, drinking and some chaos. This Thanksgiving didn't differ. Dad and I were joining forces and were team cooking. I was planning on making my Stuffed Herb turkey breast. Grandma insisted on buying the turkey. She did, only she purchased a turkey roast as opposed to a turkey breast tenderloin. I didn't think it would matter----well IT DID. ~

I improvised and made the best of it. Only, I needed some string to hold it all together. Well my fearless leader a.k.a. my Dad knew right where some was. Well he looked. And he looked. And he looked. No such luck. Well now what DAD???? Wait.....Dad had an idea. He ran downstairs. I waited. And then I saw Dads idea. ARE YOU SERIOUS?????? DAD???? REALLY????? My father was holding some rope. I'm not talking about some twine. I am talking about some serious ROPE. After I stopped laughing and almost wetting my pants. I composed myself, and pulled myself back together. Dad is it going to catch on FIRE? Nope--100% cotton--won't burn. Okay--so we tied it up. I put my finger down and Dad tied the knots. The turkey went into the oven and came out 2 hours later.

It was the best turkey EVER. Thus, this became the tale of HOW TO ROPE A TURKEY........


Molly said...

Truly is TOO funny! I am so impressed by your ability to keep trying. I am afraid I would have bailed out early and never figured this out!

I know you had a wonderful time being home!

Jenn said...

Oh my - I about wet my pants!! That is so awesome!