Saturday, October 25, 2008

Carving Pumpkins~

We finally took the plunge and carved pumpkins. The past couple of years we took the easy route and painted them. But, this year the boys wanted real Jack-o-Lanterns. At first my Mommy brain thought "OH NO we can paint some again -----that's FUN." But then I stopped and realized that I couldnt remember a Halloween when I was growing up that WE didnt carve pumpkins. Dad, Mom, Michael and I would all gather around the kitchen table and go at it. Dad was always the official carver. Mom usually drew the faces on. Michael and I dug in and got all the goo out. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldnt tell you what I went as for Halloween; but I could tell you how much fun I had carving those pumpkins. And I want our boys to have those kind of memories too. Not that we wouldnt have had fun painting the faces on---but really there's nothing like carving a Jack-o-Lantern.
Daddy was the official carver. Yes, we broke a knife and there was some eye rolling. But, I think he had ALMOST as much fun as the boys did. Although he swears that his parents NEVER got pumpkins for him to carve when he was little.

Grant scooped out his pumpkin with a VERY long handled spoon. He was NOT about to get the "guts" on his hands.

Grant touched the "guts" for the first time and DID NOT like it. OH BOY DID HE NOT WANT TO GET DIRTY.

Ryan, however, had NO problem getting down and dirty with the pumpkins. He had SO much fun. He hasnt laughed that hard in a LONG time. It was music to my ears to hear him giggle.

1 comment:

Molly said...

So fun! Isn't it amazing how we don't really remember stuff that wasn't with our family? It's all of those traditions that stick with you. I love seeing Jason doing the carving! Our Owen would be the same way about the guts and not wanting to get dirty! I love it! Thanks for sharing! See you soon!