Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last night at my MOMS group get together--we played a "Get to know you" game. Each one of us was given a question and we went around the table and answered. One question was "What do you miss most about your childhood?" The group's answers ranged from " freedom of worries and adult struggles to playing with siblings."

My answer differed greatly. The minute the question was asked I knew my answer. I missed my Mom's hands. I missed them holding mine was I was scared. I missed them fixing things when things in my life were broke. I missed them hugging me when I was sad. I missed them holding me when I was scared. I missed them wiping away my tears when I was crying. I missed them clapping for me when I needed encouragement. And I missed them extended out when I needed them most.

1 comment:

Molly said...

First, I love your answer. Hands are so incredible in all that they hold and the stories they can tell. Second, I am not sure how you handle these moments because I think I would just bawl and be pretty worthless as far as getting anything out. I love that your group has get togethers and feel a little bad that I don't do anything for my group! Can I use Sadie as an excuse, and if so, for how long??? Just kidding!