Saturday, December 13, 2008

my thansgiving pictures.....

dad showing us how he is going to survive a whole day in the kitchen with his

grandma iris loved the breakfast casserole. she had 2 helpings--and had to lick the plate clean. i love you grandma.

uncle michael and his boys. this one should be in a frame.

mommy and her monkeys. look how thrilled with me they are to be in a picture with their mommy. i think i heard one of them say "this is SO not cool to be in a picture with your MOM.
's ok michael j, we can tell who got the looks and brains in the family. : )

i love my dad. this is such a good picture.

this picture took 5 tries. mj figured out he had a timer on his camera. and he's had the camera for oh...what 7 years, ok, more like 3. the boys saw this picture and realized that we left a place for mamaw. she's standing between papa and uncle michael.

and this right here is how i survived cooking in the kitchen with my dad. love you daddy.


Molly said...

I LOVE your hair. I am such a sucker for pictures, so thanks for posting these!

The one of your grandma licking the plate is priceless! What a hoot!

I love that the boys saw a place in the picture for your mom. Sweet boys...even with the comment about it not being cool to take a picture with you!

Jenn said...

So did you go dark to look like you fit in there! tee-hee

Love the comment about leaving a place for your mom...