Saturday, May 8, 2010

tulips {from} Heaven

I am going to be honest. I don't like Mothers Day. Please dont get me wrong...I love being a Mom, and I wouldnt trade my 2 little miracles for ANYTHING in the world. BUT-Mother's Day is one of those Holidays that I wish I could could stay in bed and pull the covers over my head and make the day go away. Mothers Day was always a BIG holiday growing up. We spent it celebrating my Mom and my Grandma's. And now its a constant reminder to me that I don't have a Mom to celebrate it with. I am not trying to be ugly, brutally honest, but not ugly, I celebrate my Mom, and everything she has given me in life. But, I'm heartbroken that I don't have a Mom to celebrate this day with.
{NOW} onto the {TULIPS}
When Mom was in the Hospital, I found a bouquet of artificial Tulips. Mom loved tulips. These tulips were a hot pink-coral color. They instantly struck my eye at Michael's. So, I bought them for her. (They only had enough for one bouquet or I would have bought some for me.) I even found a small bouquet that was in a white tin, that she could set on her window sill. When I gave them to her, she said over and over how she had never seen such beautiful tulips. I dont know how many times she thanked me for them. After she passed away, Dad asked me if I wanted her tulips, and I gladly took them. I left the small bouquet, but took the large ones. Now, when I put them out, I too get rave reviews on how pretty they look...and what a rare color.
Last week, when my Dad came down for a visit he randomly asked me if I had ever planted tulips in their front yard. I told him "No" and didnt think anything of it. A few days later my brother calls and say that there are some beautiful tulips in Mom and Dads front yard, and sent me a picture.
I was in shock when I saw them.
Those were Mom's tulips. In that amazing color.
The miracle about all of it is-- no one planted the tulips.
Thanks MOM.
Just in time for Mother's Day~I needed that from you.