Thursday, June 4, 2009


:::Today I Celebrate my Mom:::
I have been thinking a lot about what I would do if I would have one more day with my Mom and I decided I would spend my day thanking her. Something I have realized that I didn't do enough of. So Mom....I Thank You.....
I would thank you for always supporting our endeavors. You were always our biggest fan. No matter what we were involved in you were always there for us.

I would thank you for your kindness and gentleness. You had an amazing ability to always make it better with a kiss and a hug.

I would thank you for your sense if humor. You had an ornery streak in you that wouldn't quit. As a little girl I never understood why you had to be "weird" a grown UP I get it. And I love you for that.

I would thank you for your Patience. WOW! Mom some days I don't know how you did it. You always held it together.

I would thank you for teaching us That no matter how old we are we are still your babies....OH AND YOU WERE STILL THE MOM. How many times did I hear "You will always be my little girl?"

Thank you for putting up with my sassiness and stubborness. I know that I was quite a handful in my teen years. And looking back I don't know how we made it, I know that you were right about it ALL. I would take all that ugliness back if I could. But then again, I guess that's why we have the wonderful relationship we do.

Thank you for giving the fundamentals for being a good wife. You and Dad had a very strong marriage, and I am so blessed to have been brought up in the strong family dynamic that I did.
Thank you for showing me that life is too short to be a Party's much better when you can laugh and have a good time. You were always the life of the party.

Thank you for the strong foundation of motherhood. I am so glad that I got to learn from the best. I look back and wonder how you did it all when Michael and I were growing up. You were always organized and on top of your A game. You not worked full time, you were a full time Mom and always made sure we came first.

Thank you for your love of the Fourth of July. I will never be able to look at the American Flag quite the same. I can only imagine what fireworks look like from Heaven.

I would thank you for your Courage. When you were diagnosed with Breast never once questioned the diagnosis with "Why Me?" You fought with ALL your will, never complaining. You made sure that it was known that YOU had cancer.....cancer DID NOT HAVE YOU. You did not have an expiration date stamped on your foot. You continued to live life to the fullest everyday considering the struggles that you were facing.

I would thank you for being YOU. You are an amazing person Mom. I hope that I can grow up to be half the Mom you are.

I would thank you for NOT only being my Mom but my Best Friend.

If I would've have the chance to have picked a Mom....I would have picked YOU.
Patsy Ann Corner
June 9, 1947-June 4, 2007
