Saturday, April 4, 2009

A needed Lesson from Heaven~

This story needs a little background info first...Ryan Michael LOVED his pacifier when he was a Baby. He mastered having 2 and sometimes 3 of them in his mouth at one time. He was just like his Daddy--and I have pictures to prove that. My Mom, was a Speech and Language Pathologist and tried and tried to get Ryan away from his "baba" as he called them. She diagnosed him early on with having Tongue Thrust (thanks to having a pacifier too long)...where his tongue pushes forward when he talks and swallows as opposed to going to the top of his mouth. Anyway, she had worked with him some before she got sick...and had some Info at school that would help me at home. (WELL...I am still waiting for that info from Heaven to arrive.)
A little bird in my ear (my Mom from Heaven) kept telling me to look into services and talk to the SLP at school. I did..and because the Tongue Thrust wasn't effecting his speech...her hands were tied. (Which was NOT her fault, just the way SPED stuff works in the state of OK.) After a little research I found out that if I had a prescription from his dentist to see an SLP, services would be provided. DONE.
I told Ryan that he would get to go see Mrs. West at school and she would be able to help him do some exercises with his tongue. OH BOY. Ryan refused. Mrs. West helped special people and HE WAS NOT A SPECIAL PERSON. He didn't need to see her. We talked and talked and talked about going to see her. (This problem completely swept me off my Mom was an SLP, Jason's Aunt is also an SLP, as well as Jason's sister.) Believe me I pulled out ALL the stops. He finally agreed.
Ryan now LOVES going to see Mrs. West. He looks forward to seeing her each week and even is doing his tongue exercises faithfully at home.
Growing up, whenever Michael and I would outgrow a toy or book or what not, Mom would always put it in her treasure box at school...which WE NEVER UNDERSTOOD. Not that we minded donating it to kids....but who would want that in a treasure box. I mean c'mon Mom.
Yesterday, Ryan pulls out several "NEW" books out of his backpack. He proudly tells me that he got them from Mrs. West's prize box. "Mommy, they aren't really new...her son read them when he was a kid, and didn't want them anymore, AREN'T THEY COOL!!!!!"


Thanks for sending me that Lesson from Heaven...I needed it.